How To Find A Fuck Buddy In The UK

Is dating not what you’re looking for right now? Maybe you just got out of a relationship and need some time to yourself, or maybe you’ve been single for a while and are just not feel ready to commit.

Whatever your reasons maybe if you’re not looking for anything serious then finding a fuck buddy might be the perfect solution.

It’s the perfect combination of having someone to spend time with and have fun with, without any of the stresses that come with a traditional relationship. Plus, you don’t have to worry about breaking anyone’s heart – it’s purely physical. And who doesn’t love a little no-strings-attached fun?

If you’re based in the UK and are looking for fuck buddy, here are a few tips on how to find one.

What is a fuck buddy?

What is a fuck buddy?

But first, let’s just clarify what we mean by a fuck buddy. A fuck buddy is somebody that you sleep with, but who isn’t your boyfriend or girlfriend. You’re not in a relationship with them, but you are involved.

It’s someone that you can call up when you want some company, but who you don’t have to check in with or do anything special for. You don’t have to worry about them getting jealous if you’re seeing other people, and you don’t have to introduce them to your friends and family. It’s the perfect set-up for someone who wants something low-key and uncomplicated.

Of course, it is possible for a fuck buddy situation to turn into something more, but that’s not always the goal. Sometimes people just want to get laid without any of the drama that comes with a full relationship.

Why get a fuck buddy?

Why get a fuck buddy?

Remember the last time you were in a relationship? How many times did you argue over little things, or have a huge fight over something that didn’t even matter? And how much time and energy did you spend trying to make things work when you were just unhappy?

With a fuck buddy, you don’t have to deal with any of that. You’re not obligated to them in any way, so you can just relax and enjoy yourself. It’s the perfect way to date without any of the hassle.

Plus, let’s be honest: sex is great.

And it’s even better when you don’t have to worry about your partner getting attached or needy. You can just enjoy each other’s company and have some fun! And what’s better than having a tear-free, no-strings-attached relationship with someone you’re physically attracted to?

Is there a fuck buddy near me?

Is there a fuck buddy near me?

No matter where you are in the world, there’s bound to be someone nearby who’s looking for the same thing as you. Whether it may be someone you met at a club or an ex-lover, it’s not uncommon to find someone who wants to have a local fuck buddy.

Being in the UK is no different! In fact, the UK is known for being a nation of sexually liberated people. As long as you know where to look, you’re bound to find someone who’s down for a good time.

Look, just because you’re not looking for anything serious, it doesn’t mean you can just go around asking people, “Hey, wanna shag?” Unless you want to have the cops called on you, it’s probably best to find a casual sex partner the UK the right way. They’re not hard to find if you know where to look and what to look for.

Can I have different fuck buddies?

Can I have different fuck buddies?

Depending on your definition of fuck buddies, you can have as many or as few as you want. The key is to find people who want adult fun and who you’re comfortable with. If your FWB is fine with you seeing other people, then go for it! However, if they’re not, then you might want to discuss it with them first.

And don’t get it the wrong way – they may not agree necessarily because they don’t want to share you or because they’re jealous. It could be a health concern for them. After all, having multiple fuck buddies increases your risk of STDs. If they’re not comfortable with it, then you’ll need to respect their wishes and find someone else who is.

It’s all about communication and being open even though you two are nothing more than friends with benefits. You still need to be respectful of each other’s feelings and needs. Yes, it is not a relationship, but a fuck buddy is still a real person who just wants adult fun.

How do I find local hookups?

How do I find local hookups?

In the UK, finding local fuck buddies is easy – there are plenty of websites and apps that cater to this. We have multiple lists on our website of the best ones to use. All you need to do is visit one of these websites or download any hookup app, create a profile, and start swiping!

However, if you’re an extrovert who enjoys meeting new people and going out, then there are other ways to find a casual hookup. You can go to bars or clubs and strike up conversations with people. You never know – you might just meet someone who’s also looking for a smashing good time!

Also, it’s worth noting that a sex buddy is not limited to just people you haven’t met yet. You could also have a friends-with-benefits relationship with someone you already know, such as a friend or colleague. Try to think if there is someone in particular that you’ve always had tension or sexual chemistry with. If they’re single and down for it, go find local hookups!

The most important thing is to have clear consent, be hygienic, and use protection. No one wants to end up with an STD or any sort of disease, so make sure you’re always using condoms when engaging in any physical activity with a friend, there is always the potential for things to go too far.

That’s why it’s important to establish clear ground rules and communication from the outset – know what you both want from the arrangement, and be upfront about it.

Is having a fuck buddy safe?

Is having a fuck buddy safe?

Generally, the act of having a friend with benefits is safe – as long as you take precautions and make sure both parties are on the same page. First and foremost, condoms should always be used to protect against STDs and unwanted pregnancies. If you or your partner has any STDs, it’s important to disclose this before engaging in any sexual activity.

Even if you’re certain you are safe, it is still a good idea to have regular checkups with your doctor, as well as get tested for STDs every now and then. You have to remember that a fuck buddy arrangement is not an exclusive one. So if you get laid with one partner, the other person is still free to have other partners as well. This means that there is always a risk of contracting an STD, no matter how low it may be.

Another thing to be wary of is if your partner has an ongoing long-term relationship with someone else. A fight between the two could potentially put you in the middle, which is something you definitely a point you want to avoid. Keep things transparent and honest from the beginning, so that you know what you’re getting yourself into.

If you’re not feeling comfortable with your fuck buddy, or if the casual relationship isn’t working out, don’t be afraid to end it. It’s better to end things on a good note than to let things drag on and get ugly. You are not entitled to anyone’s time or body, so if you’re not happy with the situation, it’s best to walk away.

Tell me the best way to get a fuck buddy?

Tell me the best way to get a fuck buddy?

As we mentioned earlier, getting yourself out there is the best way to find a fuck buddy? Whether it’s through online dating platforms, apps, or even in person, putting yourself out there and meeting new people is the first crucial step.

But to make it easier for you, why not just sign up for a site where it’s common knowledge that everyone is looking for a fuck buddy? This way, you can avoid any awkward conversations or potential rejection, and you know that everyone on the site is interested in one thing.

There are plenty of online dating sites and apps out there that are designed specifically for people looking for regular sex. For example, YouLikeCumpany, which is a UK-based adult dating site, is a great place to start. This site is specifically for people who don’t want anything serious and just what to find a fuck buddy.

There are also sites like MILFFindr that are more specific to your needs. If a MILF fuck buddy is what you want, then a MILF fuck buddy is what you’ll find! No-strings-attached fun with a hot older woman? Talk no more!

Whatever route you decide to take, just remember to be safe and have fun when you meet people! And if you’re ever in doubt, just ask yourself: would I rather watch Netflix alone tonight or have some hot, steamy casual sex action? The answer is always obvious.

How to keep a fuck buddy?

How to keep a fuck buddy?

Let’s say finally, after all your hard work, you’ve found yourself a casual sex partner! They’re everything you ever imagined – hot, carefree, and an absolute freak in the sheets. Now you can’t help but wonder how you can actually keep them around for more than just a few casual encounters.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no surefire way to keep your fuck buddy for life. People move, change their minds, and grow apart. That’s just the way it is. Especially in this sort of dynamic, there is no way to tell how long it will last. Some stay for a couple of months and then move on, while others stay for years.

The best thing you can do is to just enjoy it while it lasts and continue to not get too attached. It’s not going to be easy, but you both wanted this and are aware of the possibilities. However, that’s not to say there aren’t ways to make it more likely that your fuck buddy arrangement will last.

Here are a few tips:

Be honest with each other

Be honest with each other

This is probably the most important thing. If you’re not being honest about what you want and need, then it’s only a matter of time before things start to unravel. Be clear about your expectations and make sure that neither of you is left in the dark.


2 people communicating

This ties in with being honest with each other. If something isn’t working for you, or you need some space, then say so. The key to any healthy exchange is communication.

No feelings!

A couple with feelings for each other

The cardinal rule of having an fuck buddy is that there can be no feelings involved. As soon as you start to develop feelings for your FWB, it’s time to end things. If your partner starts to develop feelings for you, it’s the same deal.

It’s not fair to either of you to continue in a situation where one person is getting their emotional needs met and the other thinks of it as nothing more than casual encounters. If at the start, it’s been made clear that all chances of a serious relationship are off the table, then there shouldn’t be any room for feelings to develop.

Keep things exciting

A lady in a bathing suit

You’re in one of the most enviable situations when it comes to sex. You can pretty much get laid on a regular basis want without having to worry about the pesky “relationship” side of things. Make the most of it! Keep things fresh and exciting by trying new things and keeping the spark alive.

Be buddies

A woman with her bike

Hey, you’re friends with benefits for a reason, right? So don’t forget to talk and get to know each other outside of the bedroom. It’ll make things a lot more enjoyable (and less awkward) when you do end up hooking up. Which one would you rather stay with – someone you know you’re safe and comfortable with or a stranger?

Set boundaries

A couple holding hands

This is important in any kind of relationship, but especially with friends with benefits. You need to be clear about what you’re comfortable with and what you’re not. If things start to get too serious for either of you, it’s time to back off. Keep things light, fun, and easygoing – that’s what this arrangement is all about.

Final Thoughts

Living a life of sex without being tied down to one person can be an amazing experience. It can add some much-needed spice and variety, not to mention allowing you to meet new and interesting people.

However, if you know that you’re emotionally not ready or prepared to handle the come-and-go nature of fuck buddies, then it’s probably not for you. There’s no shame in wanting a more committed relationship.

At the end of the day, you need to do what’s best for you. If you know this is exactly what you want, then proceed with caution and follow our tips on how to find a fuck buddy in the UK!

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Written by Katie Thompson

Katie is a dating expert with a PhD in Counseling and Psychology from the London Metropolitan University. Currently writing content related to dating, relationships, and casual encounters.